Bringing out the BEST in YOU

We always love to upgrade our tech gadgets to enjoy the best version available, but what about ourselves? Do we always continuously upgrade ourselves to be the best version we possibly can be?
All of us were born with the ability to learn things and potential to succeed in life but not all of us are making full use of it.
Many of us are better at being a critic of things around us. We seem to have a lot of ideas on how our colleagues or supervisors at work should treat the team members better for a more collaborative teamwork and how service crews at a restaurant should have more of service mindset for our better service experience as a customer.
Do we think about the ideas on how to improve ourselves often enough as we do towards others?
In any organisation, people admire, respect and value team members who can make a difference with their innovative ideas, contribution, performance and even just their positive presence. While some people with self-limiting belief are not ambitious nor motivated enough to think they can be one of these "star performers" too.
In fact, being a high performer has nothing to do with competing with others and you do not need to have years of experience or know everything before attempting to be one, instead, it is all about continuously challenging yourself to become the best version of yourself. When you can truly believe in "your product", the world will believe in it too.
Here are some self-development tips and quotes to bring out the best in YOU;
# Aim high and get there! Set high-expectation for yourself and work your way toward it.
Don't settle for being a mediocre. You have a lot more potential than that.
Make the best out of any given situation and create the opportunities that lead you to your ultimate goals in life.
The quality of your goals determine how well you deliver the results.
# Take everything as a learning opportunity
Learn everything that comes in your way. You can be a little more selective later on when you have tried enough to know where your strengths and weaknesses are.
If you believe everything has something to learn from, you will be more willing to learn new things and step up to face new challenges in life.
# Do your best in everything you do
If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way.
It's the little things that make a big difference.
Do your best until you know a better way to do it, then do it better.
Think of "improvement" in everything you do.
To improve is too change, to be perfect is to change often.
Practice makes progress.
# Step out of your comfort zone
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are now.
"I can't do that because... ", "I am not good at this" and " It has always been done this way." should be rare phrases in your dictionary.
Your desire for success must be greater than fear of failure.
# Take initiative Ask yourself, would you rather work with an automatic machine or a manual machine? The same idea goes to people. We all do enjoy working with people who are "automatic". If you always need to be told what to do, you are a "manual machine" and it is time for your product revolution.
# Be resourceful Find out things you do not know or unsure of. Never say "I don't know how to...", instead say, "I don't know yet but I will find out." My simplest advice is Google.
When you ask the right questions, you will get more of the right answers.
Expand your network and tab on other people's expertise and knowledge in the area you are not yet familiar with.
Be an attentive listener, observant and learn from other people's experience. You don't need to experience everything yourself, other people's success and failure stories both have something to learn from.
# Help others to succeed
As one teaches, two learn.
Author: Natalie Guo About WisePolyglot